Are Two Week Babies still Newborns?
New babies come at you like a tornado. No matter how much you plan or how much you learn, there is always something unexpected that will come at you out of nowhere. Everyone who has babies has run out of diapers, forgot to write down a feeding, forgot to pick up the first child because the you were napping with the new child. Seriously, life is going to happen. But what if your tornado moment is an unexpected LONGER stay in the hospital? I had two Mom's this week tell me that they missed their newborn portraits because there baby had to stay in the hospital. I was immediately sad both times and inquired how long they had to stay. One was 3 weeks and one was only 2 weeks and both equally thought they MISSED it. If you are nervous about the upcoming birth of your baby, I say to you - don't worry about portraits. At Ellenburg Photography, We've got this.
I'd like YOU to meet baby Jace photographed at 20 days.
If you have a baby that is older than 10 days, you don't need a different photographer. You need a photographer with a NEW plan. Daphne Ellenburg specializes in babies of all ages. Ellenburg Photography has newborn portrait plans for all ages to make the portrait experience easy for both Mom and baby. Babies over 10 days have settled into a routine. Knowing that routine helps Daphne Ellenburg select the best time for portraits and the best props to use during your newborn portrait session. Ellenburg Photography customizes a homework guide for each baby to take the stress out of newborn portraits. Your homework will come with a bring list and do list and a DO NOT list. If you do the homework, you will get amazing portraits. It's that simple.
Don't leave photographing this tiny miracle to an amateur. Daphne Ellenburg Photographs hundreds of babies each year at her Saraland Alabama portrait studio. This valuable experience has helped mold the homework to a near fool-proof guide. And like my Momma always said, "Planning is next to Godliness." Let's plan a portrait adventure together.
Do you have an older Newborn that hasn't been Photographed?
If you have an older newborn, reach out to the experts at Ellenburg Photography. YOU can still get everything you want. Reach out to Daphne today.
Daphne Ellenburg is award-winning Newborn and Baby Photographer. She is the owner of a bustling Portrait photography business called Ellenburg Photography located in Southern Alabama. Daphne has a supportive family and a fancy-pants 2000 sq ft studio in the heart of Saraland, Alabama. She loves college football, big handbags, lip gloss and all things Apple. She also enjoys writing about her Photo-Adventures and her entertaining family. Daphne is a proud member of PPA, WPPI, and the local chamber. Catch up with her at or email her at
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