Our biggest sale ever starts today! You talk and we listen. You always say that you wish you could get your Sister, your BFF, your Mom into our studio - now we've got a great way to help you do just that. And you use Ellenburg Photography to document all the parts of your beautiful life over and over again, we have something for you too. Here's how the sale works...
Sale ONE:
All sittings - and I do mean ALL are buy ONE get ONE free. Whatever option you pick for yourself, you get to give away too. Options are things like: Add more time, Add Bunnies. Every Session we shoot is available: In studio, On location, In home.
When you buy your session online today, we will send you an email for the contact of the person you want to surprise.
This gift will come from you. So be prepared for the tight hugs and endless pats on the back for your thoughtfulness. Please have the name, address and email of the gift receiver so we start the love fest.
All gifted sittings will have a 30 day expiration.
Sale TWO:
We love you just as much as you love us. Sometimes we see you 3 or 2 or 1 time a year, but we ALWAYS see you. We appreciate your loyalty and we'd love to give away our time to spend it with you. For a limited time, past clients receive a FREE Sitting with the purchase of portrait package. The sale is set up with the Silver package. If you usually pick up the gold or platinum, don't worry - you can upgrade at your sitting with some pretty sweet new loyalty perks. We love you and we want you to have beautiful spring portraits of the people you LOVE the most!
And guess what? When you book back in, we are going to give you a Sitting to give away to someone you love too.
This is a limited time offer. Maybe it's just a few hours. Maybe it's just today. Maybe it's all weekend. Either way, act fast because you don't want to miss it. This is the perfect opportunity for you to have the spring portraits that you've dreamed of. Let's create something awesome together!
Tell a Friend. This deal is ending soon.
Adorable Spring Portraits are calling your name.

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